The project

One team. One idea. Innovation in MUN experiential learning.

Our organising team of 5 IB2 students possesses a lot of MUN experience (part of our school's club since the 6th grade) and assures you that this project will be a great MUN. As the first national conference to be completely free to attend and include a European Parliament committee, Logos MUN will not only be inclusive, but also innovative.

Less experienced delegates are more than welcome to hone their diplomatic skills and develop. Here at Logos MUN we value equality of opportunity. 

"Pericle's Funeral Oration", Philipp von Foltz 1852 CE, Statue of Greek historian Polybius 200 - 118 BCE

Logos ἦθος Pathos

Logos (Greek: λόγος) is one of the three techniques of persuasion, along with ethos (Greek: ήθος) and pathos (Greek: πάθος). It means to appeal to the audiences' sense of reason or logic. Our unique MUN is named after an ancient Greek rhetorical mechanism, in order to stress our goal: we want to foster fruitfull diplomacy and effective solutions to the world's most pressing problems. At the same time, we strive to include a Greek element in our project.

Our vision

Greek MUN opportunities are not sufficient. MUN is very important for a well functioning political education system and we aim to extend it to public schools, which have much less access to such events. As European citizens, we strive to add European committees to our MUN. 

Our mission

Our mission is to organise a highly inclusive conference. To ensure this, zero registration fees will be imposed. Also, we aknowledge our ancient national presence in political philosophy and plan to put our work in a historical context throughout Logos MUN.

Marios Karalekas

Deputy Secretary General ('24)
Moraitis class of '25

Katerina Derpanopoulou

President of the GA ('24)
Moraitis class of '25

Dimitra Grivea

Deputy President of the GA ('24)

Head of the Organising Team
Moraitis class of '25

Bill Derpanopoulos

Secretary General ('24)
Moraitis class of '25
Dartmouth College

Notice that this project is being facilitated by the CAS department of The Moraitis School IB, as a CAS project. Our team has also partially received the help of our school's MUN advisors.


Lito Georgiadi

Deputy President of the GA ('24)

Deputy Head of the Organising Team
Moraitis class of '25

Alexis Papagiannakopoulos

Secretary General ('23)

Moraitis class of '24

Georgetown University

Achilleas Sakellaridis

Deputy Secretary General ('23)

Moraitis class of '24

École Polytechnique

Dimitris Dafnos

President of the GA ('23)

Moraitis class of '24

University of Amsterdam

Alexandros Kentouris

Head of the Organising Team

Deputy President of the GA ('23)

Moraitis class of '24

University of Pennsylvania

Notice that this project is being facilitated by the CAS department of The Moraitis School IB, as a CAS project. Our team has also partially received the help of our school's MUN advisors.

Alexis Papagiannakopoulos
Alexis Papagiannakopoulos
Achilleas Sakellaridis
Achilleas Sakellaridis
Alexandros Kentouris
Alexandros Kentouris
Dimitris Dafnos
Dimitris Dafnos

The founders

News stories

Moraitis School: Mononews sponsor of LOGOS MUN confrence


News stories

Logos MUN: The first inclusive United Nations simulation with no membership fee



Logos MUN: MUN Conference Coming November 11th and 12th
